Lorenzo RomaniDue Diligence: mining adverse media with Python and scraping.A relevant part of my daily routine involves searching for adverse media about targets of an investigation/due diligence/background check…Feb 2, 20214Feb 2, 20214
Lorenzo RomaniEbay artisanal face masks sales skyrocketed during pandemicSome data about the sales of personal protective equipment during the covid-19 pandemic (on Ebay).Aug 11, 2020Aug 11, 2020
Lorenzo RomaniAnche secondo l’analisi del Sentiment Virginia Raggi non è spacciataGli ultimi sondaggi sulle elezioni amministrative per il rinnovo della giunta capitolina sono stati una sorpresa per molti. Chi pensava (o…Jul 25, 2020Jul 25, 2020
Lorenzo RomaniinAnalytics VidhyaWho-Where-WhomWith (WWWW):A Facial Recognition Tool for Image-based Data and Graph AnalysisIn this previous post I showed how easy it is to set up an Elasticsearch instance to store facial encodings and build your own facial…May 13, 2020May 13, 2020
Lorenzo RomaniFacial Recognition with Python and Elasticsearch: quick Tutorial!In this fast tutorial I’ll be showing how to setup a pipeline aimed at using facial recognition technology based on Python and…May 1, 20201May 1, 20201
Lorenzo RomaniHow to dig through an entire country’s numbering plan searching for a mobile contact [on Facebook]Let’s say that the scope of your investigation is finding the mobile number of a key subject. Let’s make the example of a UK company…Jan 6, 2020Jan 6, 2020
Lorenzo RomaniinOSINT TeamItaly’s online prostitution networks: a brief open-source analysisAiding prostitution is a criminal offense in many countries and Italy makes no exception. But what about setting up and managing online…Dec 26, 2019Dec 26, 2019
Lorenzo RomaniIl network della prostituzione corre sul webIl favoreggiamento della prostituzione, lo sappiamo, è un reato penale. Ma si può considerare una forma di favoreggiamento il mettere a…Dec 24, 2019Dec 24, 2019
Lorenzo RomaniLa (mia) verità sui follower finti dei politiciNel maggio 2018 ho fatto un esperimento per capire qualcosa di più sulla composizione dei “follower” di alcuni leader politici (italiani)…Nov 16, 2019Nov 16, 2019
Lorenzo RomaniChi di Dark Web ferisce di Dark Web perisce. Il caso degli account social hackerati (?)Chi frequenta abitualmente gli ambienti del cosiddetto “dark web”, ovvero di quella regione oscura del deep web accessibile solo tramite…Apr 8, 2019Apr 8, 2019